Agency details
Name: Carla
Phone: (+34) 603-111-931 Tell her you saw her in Escorts Highclass, thanks!
City: Madrid
Languages: Spanish, English, French
Hair: blond
Eyes: brown
Age: 23
Height: 160 cm (5'3")
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Measurements: 90-60-90 (35-24-35")
45 min100 €
1 hour120 €
Services: striptease, bachelor party, oral without condom, anal, threesome, couples, S&M
Schedule: at all times
Places: incall, outcall to hotels & apartments
Travels: to Europe
Payments: cash, credit card, bank transfer
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela
Picture of Escort girl Gabriela